It has been a long time since posting to this blog. The main reason is I had to go to NZ to get the Tropical Ulcer on my ankle under control and before that, we had the difficult task of just having to go to Bali for a conference - such a hard task! We are all well and my ankle is slowly getting better.
The time in Bali was great. Thank you mum and dad (Judith and Basil) for coming to Talua and putting up with hot humid conditions and looking after the kids so we could relax at a hotel in Bali. We thoroughly enjoyed the Council for World Mission (CWM) Global Missionary Gathering. There were 65 missionaries present from UK, India, Caribbean, Pacific Islands, Taiwan, Africa, Singapore, Korea, New Zealand & Australia, of which 2/3 were non-white! Having so many different cultures and ways of being gave the gathering a depth and richness that spoke of the Kingdom - and to be honest - gave a glimpse of the truly colourful display of cultures and peoples that are and will be gathered-around-the-throne. Being white it was great to be among the minority.
One themes of CWM is ‘Everywhere to Everywhere’. So at the gathering there were people from UK working in Africa, people from Africa working in Caribbean and people from Caribbean working in UK and so on – a full circle.
Even though my ankle was very sore during that time, Viv and I got to see parts of Bali, Viv saw more than I did (she even had a go at paragliding one day) and CWM organised a tour for us to see various places of interest. We enjoyed convenience of hot water, power, air conditioning etc. and managed to see some of the scenery and experience the hawkers telling us we need to buy this or that because it would bring us good luck!
At the gathering various people spoke, it was good to learn more of the history of CWM and future thinking. There was also time for conversations. It was special to hear so many different stories of the good things the CWM missionaries are doing, and hear some of the hard conditions they have to work in - life at Talua is a picnic. It was sad to have to say goodbye and yet we are all thankful for the rich experience of the gathering.
At the time my ankle was still very sore and even though the idea of going to NZ to get it checked had never occurred to Viv or myself, some of the doctors at the gathering advised us my ankle needed more specialised attention. We travelled back to Talua and after a few painful days decided I should go. The three weeks in NZ coincided well with the Talua exam week and two weeks term break.
The highlight in NZ was spending time with Phillip, he is doing really well, going to three different youth groups, and enjoying the lively singing at Elim Church in Blenheim. I also enjoyed meeting up with so many old friends and family. It seemed a long time to be away but the ulcer only started to reduce in size during the last week before coming back. Since then thankfully the ulcer has reduced in size each week - ½ml and 1ml respectively - so at that rate it will be cleared up in 4 - 6 weeks time. Viv is great, patiently changing the dressing twice a day and I have the privilege to dress in ‘Drag’, wearing a surgical stocking to keep the circulation pumping down on the ankle. Another good thing is it is no longer painful.
Term Two has kicked in and we can’t believe two weeks have gone already. Last week has been a lot of fun doing special “tourist” like things because Elizabeth (my sister) visited us. More on that action in the next blog!
God Bless and thanks for your prayers.
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