Sunday, March 18, 2007

Mould and fish

This photo is of two IBM laptops I have brought for the students computer suit. One of them was stored on a shelf here Dec / Jan when we were in NZ. The other one we brought over with us in Feb. Look at how fast the mould grows. One wonders what’s happening inside. Anyway – they both work and I’ll will be setting up the computer suit next weekend after all the Short Course students leave Talua – with nearly 70 Short Course students, there is no room for the PC lab. By the way, if you are ever going to donate a laptop to somewhere like Talua, an 3rd world institution based in a humid climate. Don’t donate a brand new laptop – it’s a waste of money, the laptop would never be used to its full potential and the climate might kill it too quickly. Instead – donate a refurbished one – they are about a 1/3 of the price, get one that runs Windows XP so memory sticks work fine with no need for extra drivers. They work fine over here – that’s what we use.

Some fish we brought, (we just wish the supply was regular). Only NZ$14 dollars. Not bad. We had half and the Williamsons the other half. We also boiled the head to get another meal of fish meat. Talua brought another one for the singles. The day before Talua brought two more for the Short Course students – that was two weeks ago. Sadly there have been no more.
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